Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And Then Macarons Took Over the World

Sometimes there's just no ignoring blog trends. Recently it's been macarons, although in their defense they've been around for awhile. They do look pretty and are suuuper versatile with all those color choices (especially for weddings). In February, NPR even declared the macaron the new cupcake. Poor cupcakes. They had a good run.

More on the French confection:
Word on the street is Sucre is the place to be for a sweet fix.
You know Martha's all over the macaron.
"Macarons are not meant to be mainstream." Yikes, WSJ.
Some blame Oprah for their increase in popularity. Obviously she'd have something to do with this.

1 comment:

You Are My Fave said...

These are a definite blog trend yet I haven't tried one yet. I'm planning to soon but I think the hype may be too much.