Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Think This is the Best Costume for Today

"...I don't like women in skirts and the best thing is to wear pantyhose or some pants under a short skirt, I think. Then you have the pants under the skirt and then you can pull the stockings up over the pants underneath the skirt. And you can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape."

Edie Beale Paper Doll Print by Claudia Varosio


Maureen said...

loving that paper doll!

don't know if you've seen this...


or this:


One of mine and Alicia Gutsell's favorite movie ever. I think I have to get her these paper dolls for her birthday!

Katie Rose Cronin said...

you do know my obsession with the edie beales and grey gardens, don't you? better believe i own that sucker and have dissected the craziness out of it! bravo on this post!