Thursday, February 3, 2011

Corn Chowda

I don't take storm warnings lightly. So, I went to the store and stocked up with enough food to last the next month.  Best purchase: one rotisserie chicken. Used in: Chicken Corn Chowder.
It was easy enough for me to do which means my dog could probably pull it off. 
Also recommend mini saltines just because they're adorable.
Would be a great addition to your Superbowl Sunday spread (but I might double the recipe).


Amanda said...

oh yum. i'm reading this is 9am and i still feel like a bowl of it now.

Annie said...

You felt the need to stock up--even with a HAPPY FOODS across the street! Hope you enjoyed your snow days.

The Social Secretary said...

Good thing I did because it was closed!! Anyways leaving the house looked like a bad idea.

mamma mags said...

looks deelish!

ive (mistakenly) been against buying rotiserie chickens for unknown reasons and have recently bought a few. PERFECT quick dinner solution. so far i've only thought about making a soup with the left overs and now i think its time to try it! thanks :)