Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Peppermint Scented Christmas Cards

I was looking for a little bit of crazy to add to the Christmas card I designed, so when my art teacher friend said they reminded her of peppermint and should be scented, I was in complete agreement. There began my quest for peppermint oil (which wasn't difficult, they sell it at GNC and places like Whole Foods). I put a few dashes of the oil in a glass bowl, dipped a q-tip in, and went around the edges of each card, scenting each side. I also added a small dot to each envelope.

When I decided that wasn't enough, I left all of my stamped and addressed cards overnight in a closed freezer bag with a peppermint soaked paper towel (which was in a separate sandwich bag to prevent from leaking/spillage/panic attacks). Sadly I ran out of envelopes so my list was cut short. Hopefully I can send more out before the New Year! 


Annie said...

How come my mailbox is still unscented?

The Social Secretary said...

Hopefully it's there today!

Maureen said...

omg is that your handwriting? can i hire you to address my wedding invitations?! adorable holiday cards!

Anonymous said...

Nice post.
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