Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Little Shower Finale

And for the grand finale, the onesies. We set out sizes from 0-9 months along with some hats, cardboard, fabric paint and pens, sponge brushes and stencils. The stencils, from Michael's, were the absolute best purchase for this project. They made decorating so easy and the turnout was a pile of  ready-to-wear instead of a hot mess which I semi-anticipated.

Everyone got so creative, one was cuter than the next. Therese doesn't know what she's having, but these are definitely tipping in favor of a boy. I can't wait to see Baby Fonz sporting this homemade goodness come October!


MKM said...

OKAY!!! It is official!! This was the best baby shower Norwood Park has ever seen!!! I can not wait to borrow some of these really great ideas!!! I will give you credit of course!!! : )

X-Factor said...

Seriously, stop it with this. It's SO ADORABLE.

Love everything.