Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Little Shower Spread

I could have stood at the table and taken pictures all day, but about 25 lovely ladies were patiently waiting outside for lunch. Salads (which I only helped make look pretty, Jackie and Jillian were the chefs) ruled the spread with chicken, pasta, fruit, and spinach.

Minor details: the sandwich flags were made with satin ribbon and attached to picks with double sided craft adhesive (aka tape). The striped table runner is actually folded wrapping paper and ribbon. And, if you're considering getting 10 three foot balloons, make sure your car is big enough to hold  them or else you'll have to hold one out the window all the way home from the party store.

Lastly, I knew some babes would be joining us, so I didn't want to leave them off of the favor train. Bubbles were on hand and animal crackers served double duty as decoration and snacks for the littlest guests.

1 comment:

Liz R. said...

I love the details! Planning a shower for next month and might steal some ideas :)